Your account will automatically renew every year on the date that you signed up and paid for your current subscription. We do not send an email prior to charging the renewal fee, so you may just want to make sure your credit card information is up to date. You can update your card information at any time by visiting the Credit Card section of your account, under the Account Settings menu.
Many of our DistroKid extras are also subscription based, and depending on the extra, will renew on the date that the extra was opted into. Most extras are annually renewed (once per year), while several of our option album extras, such as Beatport distribution or Social Phone, are renewed monthly. For monthly extras, those renewals on the date of the month that the extra was originally opted in to.
For more information about DistroKid's optional Album Extras, including pricing, please check out the FAQ article here.
To view the date that you signed up, or opted into an album extra, simply click on your profile icon in the upper right corner, then select Receipts. The first date/charge listed will be the date you signed up.
Note: If your subscription fails to renew, your music may be temporarily removed from services until we've received your subscription renewal. If your music is removed due to a lapsed subscription, it will automatically be reinstated in services once we receive your renewal.
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